2016 新开始 需要定下一些新目标以鞭策自己
2015年并不是顺遂的一年 很多的起落 也学习放下一些执著
近期都一直反复的在想 难道就这样一辈子做着现在的工作吗 开心吗
在想 或许可以有别的尝试也不一定
生活可以是非常精彩多元的 不应该就只是认命的待在觉得安心的地方而已
荒废已久的部落格 希望在今年里能好好的經營
重新感受写字的乐趣 体会文字的感染力 继续磨练自己的文笔
唔 尝試当个部落客 分享美食 旅行 家常食谱 生活中的一些小感想
报名日文课 (已经嚷嚷了很久 却没有任何行动)
不要白白浪费了上天给我的语言天赋?? (很明显本小姐在自嗨中)
好 就勇敢的试一次吧
成功与否 就让自己一手扛起咯
加油咯 李涵霓
Here comes the new year of 2016, some resolutions gotta set up to ensure myself keeps moving
The past 2015 is not a pleasant one, went through the ups and downs, learn to let go things which are beyond control
Lately been thinking am I happy with what I live on now? Am I going to be a marketer forever? Is that really what I want?
It ought to be some other new experiences which yet to be explored
Life can be much more fun and shall be filled with colours; rather than hiding oneself in the comfort zone
This blog has been neglected for long time, for years apparently
This year I shall keep up the momentum to continue blogging
Try to discover the fun of writings once again, feel the strength in words
Maybe I can try to enjoy the fun process to be a blogger (who knows I might be sponsored for a trip to write about in the future?!)
Sharing about the yummylicious foodies, fabulous travelling, hearty home recipe and thoughts in life
And register for the Japanese language class which I've been talking for years
Shall not wasted the talent that being gifted in me though (Ya right, the so called "talent")
Let's take up the challenge for this time Don't be the coward
No matter what's the end result like, at least I've tried
Let's make learning fun in 2016
Gambadeh neh Hannee
2015年并不是顺遂的一年 很多的起落 也学习放下一些执著
近期都一直反复的在想 难道就这样一辈子做着现在的工作吗 开心吗
在想 或许可以有别的尝试也不一定
生活可以是非常精彩多元的 不应该就只是认命的待在觉得安心的地方而已
荒废已久的部落格 希望在今年里能好好的經營
重新感受写字的乐趣 体会文字的感染力 继续磨练自己的文笔
唔 尝試当个部落客 分享美食 旅行 家常食谱 生活中的一些小感想
报名日文课 (已经嚷嚷了很久 却没有任何行动)
不要白白浪费了上天给我的语言天赋?? (很明显本小姐在自嗨中)
好 就勇敢的试一次吧
成功与否 就让自己一手扛起咯
加油咯 李涵霓
Here comes the new year of 2016, some resolutions gotta set up to ensure myself keeps moving
The past 2015 is not a pleasant one, went through the ups and downs, learn to let go things which are beyond control
Lately been thinking am I happy with what I live on now? Am I going to be a marketer forever? Is that really what I want?
It ought to be some other new experiences which yet to be explored
Life can be much more fun and shall be filled with colours; rather than hiding oneself in the comfort zone
This blog has been neglected for long time, for years apparently
This year I shall keep up the momentum to continue blogging
Try to discover the fun of writings once again, feel the strength in words
Maybe I can try to enjoy the fun process to be a blogger (who knows I might be sponsored for a trip to write about in the future?!)
Sharing about the yummylicious foodies, fabulous travelling, hearty home recipe and thoughts in life
And register for the Japanese language class which I've been talking for years
Shall not wasted the talent that being gifted in me though (Ya right, the so called "talent")
Let's take up the challenge for this time Don't be the coward
No matter what's the end result like, at least I've tried
Let's make learning fun in 2016
Gambadeh neh Hannee
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