June 17, 2011


我 好像每個星期都會無意間踏中那些無形的地雷

你知不知道 你的情緒


很多時候 你的一皺眉 臉色一沉



我 又說錯話了嗎 或又做錯了甚麼

這些情緒都是在秒速間轉變 讓我覺得莫名其妙

更甚的是 遲鈍的我 總是無法猜透到底是甚麼惹你不快樂

唯有一直纏著你 一直追問

即使心裡很難過 但還是打起精神哄你

然後拼命告訴自己 不要哭 不能哭

然 眼淚依然不爭氣的掉下來 (即使把自己的手臂都捏紅了)

祈求烏雲快快散去 重現陽光燦爛的笑容


韦琪 said...

babe, understand ur feeling as i been thru that before as well... is a stage that u need to go thru it.... sometime is us women that think too much of rubbish, sometime is just a simple thing but we can come out with a thousand and one reason and we always thought is because of us... so u need to stop and try not to think everything is ur fault... Men are different from us, beside relationshop issue, mainly is because of their work and stress.... they will seldom express it out to us, because being a man, they will want to settle it themself and dunwan us to worry about anything... just try to clam urself down and if he is angry, annoy or stress, just dun say anything and just be beside him will do already.. give him support by not putting more pressure on him... i think it would help alot ok... cheers and smile

hannee said...


Thanks for the caring and advise.. Wow.. Such a long comment :)

I am doing ok.. Just being a little emo at that time.. And cant agree more wat you've mentioned here.. Guys and Gals are totally different.. My dearie always keep things simple & straight forward whereas me always thinking too much & made things complicated...

I am still in the learning process of keep my mouth shut whenever he's under stress / not in a good mood.. Tried my best to talk to him after the "critical period" is gone.. And luckily both of us always willing to communicate and able to work things out well :)

No worries.. We are still very much happie couple ^_^

Take care and hugs!!